Interview with Midways Metro Mustafa on MK Advance (2002)
posted12/01/2013 10:48 PM (UTC)by
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06/09/2002 11:28 AM (UTC)
Hello all,

Recently I acquired a rare German VHS tape promoting Game Boy Advance games. It's called Action GBX, and I believe it was a monthly release. The issue I obtained has Mortal Kombat Advance on it, including an interview with Midway's Metro Mustafa on the game. Here's the tape:

The interview about MK Advance displayed questions being asked written in German, answered orally in English and with German subtitles. I have transcribed and translated the interview as necessary.

The answers are kind of funny, considering what a disappointment the game actually was!


Question: From which of the original coin-operated Mortal Kombat games is MK Advance based on?

Answer: Mortal Kombat Advance is basically a mixture of Mortal Kombat 3 and Mortal Kombat Trilogy. The Game Boy version has some unique features as well. We’ve essentially incorporated the best elements of both those titles. And there are quite a few unique aspects in the Advance version of the game.


Question: How many characters are there to begin with, and how many when including the secret ones?

Answer: There are over 20 characters involved in the games. Yes, there are some secret ones, but I’m not about to tell you exactly where they are at the moment. You’ll have to watch this space.


Question: It runs insanely fast. How did you reach this speed?

Answer: Mortal Kombat does run really fast, and we’ve been able to achieve this by clever programming, and making sure the fluidity of the game is intact. People like the authentic Mortal Kombat thrill will get their thrill, if you like.


Question: What impressed you most personally about the Advance version of Mortal Kombat?

Answer: The most impressive thing for me about the Advance version of Mortal Kombat is the fact that the game actually looks, feels, and plays like the arcade. Fans of the originals will absolutely adore the Advance title.


Question: How does this fit in with the story of the other Mortal Kombat games?

Answer: Plot-wise, the game is basically in between the Mortal Kombat Trilogy and Mortal Kombat 3. So the game is basically designed uniquely for the Advance. People that played the previous versions of Mortal Kombat will see some unique features within the narrative as well.


Question: How about a sequel?

Answer: A sequel for Mortal Kombat Advance? Wow, you guys can’t wait, can you? Later in the year – watch this space!

German / Deutsch

Question: Von welchen Münz-Games stammt Mortal Kombat Advance ab?

Answer: MKA ist ein Mix aus MK3 und MK Trilogy, und die Game Boy Version verfügt auch über einige individuelle Merkmal; sie vereint eigentlich die besten Punkte der beiden anderen Titel. und es gibt eine ganze Anzahl von einzigartigen Aspekten in der Advance Version.


Question: Wie viele Charaktere gibt es, und wie sieht es mit Geheimcharackteren aus?

Answer: Es gibt im Game mehr als zwanzig Charaktere, und es gibt auch einige Geheimcharaktere, aber wo man sie findet, verrate ich nicht. Das könnt ihr spatter mal erfahren.


Question: Es läuft irrsinnig schell. Wie habt ihr dieses Tempo erreichen können?

Answer: MKA läuft wirklich schnell, und das haben wir durch geschicktes Programmieren erreicht, wobei wir beachten mussten, dass der fluss des Games intakt blieb. Jeder, der das feeling des alten MK erwartet, kommt auch hier voll auf seine Kosten.


Question: Was beeindruckt dich persönlich am meisten an der Advanve Version von Mortal Kombat?

Answer: Dass die GBA Version genau so aussieht und sich genau so anfühlt und so spielen lässt wie die Arkaden Games. Fans des Originals werden die GBA Version einfach abgöttisch lieben.


Question: Wie fügt sich die Handlung in die anderen Mortal Kombat Games ein?

Answer: Es liegt zwischen MK Trilogy und MK3. Es wurde speziell für den Advance entwickelt, und alle, die die vorherigen Games kennen, können in der Handlung individuelle züge entdecken.


Question: Wie sieht es mit einem Sequel aus?

Answer: Ihr könnt es wohl nicht abwartenl!? Vielleicht sollten wir spatter im Jahr darüber reden.


I have also ripped the video in its entirety and posted it to YouTube. It can be viewed here:
12/01/2013 10:48 PM (UTC)
lol, talk about empty hype. "Clever programming" my ass!
Great find, I didn't think they still had VHS tapes back in the GBA days.
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