The Summer DLC schedule for Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath has been updated with a first look tease at the highly anticipated Klassic Femme Fatale Skin Pack! Take a closer look yonder:
NetherRealm Studios has released a new preview for a variety of skins coming soon to the Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath competitive online mode. The unlockable Kombat League rewards include themes inspired by D'Vorah, Kano and more. Take a closer look:
Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath rewrote history with its reworked story mode, and there are more ripples to be felt! The downloadable skins schedule resumes this August starting with the three character Summer Heat pack! Check out the full schedule and hi-res render right here:
Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath is here and next time you turn on Mortal Kombat 11 you'll be asked to download a 12.150GB update. Massive changes are coming to MK11, whether you purchased the expansion or not. Check out the patch notes to know what to expect:
May has been a massive month of news and reveals for Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath -- now the downloadable expansion is finally upon us! Aftermath is released later today, and NetherRealm Studios has put out a helpful global release map so you can know exactly when its out. Take a look:
The imminent expansion of Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath will bring back klassic fighters and arenas as downloadable content, but one of the throwback stages is actually something brand new. The Retrocade is a slice of the 2D Klassic era projected on a contemporary stage. Take a closer look:
Sheeva is one of two klassic kombatants making a playable comeback as part of Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath. The Shokan Queen returns as part of a time-bending new story mode and three-character expansion. Take a closer look:
The end is here, but players can forge a new history with Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath. DLC characters take the lead in a new story mode that will send them back in time to prevent the destruction of Kronika's Crown! See what happens when old and new interact in the Launch Trailer! Watch:
Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath is set to unleash three downloadable characters and an all new story mode on players. With the new plot comes new and returning locations, which will be available free for all. Take a closer look at one of the beloved klassic arenas making a comeback: The Dead Pool!
The fight for the future will take a new twist when Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath expands the experience with downloadable characters and plot lines. Guest fighter RoboCop will meet franchise rival Terminator, but who decides is up to you in two new gameplay trailers! Watch: