High kick doyen Jean-Claude Van Damme has been back in the news with his re-enactment of his Kickboxer dance scene during Conan. The appearance clearly caught Mortal Kombat X Creative Director Ed Boon's attention. Following the appearance, he floated the concept of introducing the eighties & nineties action star as an in-game skin:
For those who've purchased The Kombat Pack - downloadable guest fighter Jason Voorhees has already been unleashed. For the unsuspecting public, a new TV Spot promotes the inclusion of the iconic Friday The 13th masked slasher. He's in Mortal Kombat X (in case you forgot).
Notorious Crystal Lake killer Jason Voorhees is stalking the next generation of young fighters in Mortal Kombat X! The unstoppable slasher features in a new trailer - available via The Kombat Pack tomorrow!
Data tool site Steam Database has uncovered information regarding as yet undisclosed Mortal Kombat X DLC!
Sourced directly fromSteam Database Depots uploaded by the publisher, the list includes the Kold War skin pack revealed with Compatibility Pack v1.02, and items already confirmed for The Kombat Pack.
New to the list are encrypted depots for Klassic Fatalities 1 & Klassic Fatalities 2, as well as Skin Pack - Brazil.
Klassic Fatality DLC was offered for Mortal Kombat (2011), reintroducing the famed Sub-Zero Spine Rip fatality, among others [full story]. Two lots of Klassic Skins inspired by past games are already confirmed for The Kombat Pack featuring Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, Jax, Quan Chi & more [full story].
Fans who've purchased The Kombat Pack officially have access to their first perk! The early download of Samurai Pack skins has been available for the past day to anyone who has confirmed their Kombat Pack access!
The official launch of Mortal Kombat X has been an exciting, energetic time - but not without its problems and confusion. Mortal Kombat Online has enjoyed receiving and answering as many fan queries as possible. With many repeat questions, we're starting an FAQ to try to help resolve common issues.
For now, our FAQ will cover the commonly asked basics. Register to post additional queries on the forum. There is no knowledge that is not power! We encourage the MKOmmunity to do their best to help.
With the release of Mortal Kombat X around the world, the spectre of micro-transactions has reared its head. Fans struggling with elaborate input sequences will be able to purchase "Easy Fatalities" DLC packs to simplify the process. It confirms long running speculation about monetization in the 2015 fighter, beyond the standard bonus content.
Fans who've ordered the limited edition version of Mortal Kombat X can look forward to a GameStop exclusive download of Kold War Scorpion. The new trailer shows this fan created design in action:
With Mortal Kombat X Mobile available for iOS and coming soon to Android, fans can already begin their mastery of unlocking ahead of the Tuesday launch of the console & PC version [trailer]!