Film fans will have two reasons to get excited when booting up Mortal Kombat X in July! While The Predator hogs headlines as the game's second downloadable guest fighter - The Kombat Pack will also introduce Hollywood royalty in "The Count of Monte Fisto" himself: Carl Weathers!
In the age of downloadable content, what constitutes a "finished game" is fast becoming a subjective debate. Mortal Kombat X arrived three months ago, pre-loaded with the guarantee of more things to come - some free, some for a price. Day one purchases pushed Warner Brothers' model for post-release capitalism the farthest its ever gone, but the virtue of DLC offerings as developer mea culpa, or life-extending service, remains a warm embrace amidst the cold commercial cynicism.
The parade of Mortal Kombat X DLC next floats Hollywood guest character: The Predator [full story] - a presence most can agree isn't part of the standard package. More contentious amongst fans is the number of Fighting Arenas - thirteen base stages in total, down 48% from Mortal Kombat (2011)'s twenty-five (with variations).
Normalizing the notion of expanding Mortal Kombat X's interactive vistas has been Creative Director: Ed Boon. He revealed in early May that Klassic Arenas have already been discussed for downloadable content. As you might imagine, that got Mortal Kombat Online talking - crunching the klassics to come up with the Top 10 Klassic Arenas We'd Like To See Return in Mortal Kombat X! Count them down with us:
Recent talk of downloadable arenas for Mortal Kombat X could be yielding the first results come July. NetherRealm Studios have teased upcoming crossover character Predator with what appears to be a partial screenshot of a new environment.
Mortal Kombat X introduced its first guest character in May with the downloadable addition of horror slasher icon Jason Voorhees. This July, one of action/sci-fi cinema's heavyweight warriors will also step into the fight with the arrival of The Predator! Get a taste of things to come with the first screenshots of the coming Predator/Prey Pack:
Olá, Brasil! Que diabos é isso? Mortal Kombat X has paid tribute to its loyal South American following with the release of the downloadable Brazil Pack! The three-pack of kosplay skins outfit klassic kombatants in Brazilian inspired attire. See it in action in the official DLC trailer:
The treacherous Edenian Tanya is returning to kombat in the latest official trailer for Mortal Kombat X! She joins the playable roster as the second of four additional fighters bundled in The Kombat Pack.
Fans eager to get their hands on klassic kombatant Tanya won't have long to wait! The non-playabale story mode character will make the leap to the playable Mortal Kombat X roster in June!
Eight-feet tall with four arms of terror! The next Invasion Boss has launched full scale war against online players in Mortal Kombat X!
This time Goro lives and he's unleashing his half-man, half-dragon Shokan fury in the name of Outworld! The Prince of Pain represents the ultimate challenge - one you won't overcome on your own! This will be a team effort as the boss tier threat pushes you to do what damage you can, before succumbing to nigh inevitable defeat.
Players can choose to join the Special Forces, White Lotus Society, Black Dragon, Brotherhood of Shadow or Lin Kuei. Representing a clan earns points toward special unlockable items and achievements, with every action in the game contributing to your clan's total assault! Use clan recruitment posts on the forum to share valuable boss strategies to help spur your faction to victory!
The Brotherhood of Shadow were victors in Kitana's Orderrealm Invasion. Choose your destiny and fight for them - or against them! Had a change of heart? For a small points penalty, you can switch clans at any time. Rising through the ranks of each clan will offer in-game benefits! Learn more about Clans & Invasions in the Mortal Kombat X: Next Trailer!
Fans looking to reignite old hostilities can do so with the Mortal Kombat X Kold War Pack! The downloadable skins pack features three Soviet inspired alternate attires: Revolution Kano, Tundra Sub-Zero & Motherland Sonya. You can find the pack in US online stores for $3.99, or Russian online for 207,00 р (Rubles).
We learned last month Mortal Kombat X downloadable content would be expanding to include a Brazil Skins Pack [full story]. The mystery of what that would entail can be put to rest. If you had World Cup poser soccer shirts in your office pool - you nailed it! Also coming soon are Klassic Skins as part of The Kombat Pack release of Tanya.