So Noob-Saibot has an alliance with Cetrion.
Does that mean Bi-Han will be the elder gods champion again like in mk mythology. Was he saved by her when kicked into the soulnado?

That makes it sound like basically what happened with Scorpion in MK: Deception. Gets sucked into a soulnado, and the elder gods, or at least Cetrion, decided to make use of him.
Just 'cause Noob beat your brother doesn't mean he'll beat your mom, Cetrion
Noob...on the side of good? That is just so weird to me. Considering both living and wraith representations of Bi-Han were/are evil. Noob enjoys being evil... yet there it is in the intro... he seems to been working with Cetrion. Wonder how that even came about?
Hope she keeps an eye on him. I see a backstab in her future.
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Bi-Han was supposed to win MK1, but Scorpion was revived specifically to kill him off. If he won, MKII events n MK3 invasion might play out. His MK1 ending says he pays his way out of the Lin Kuei, but Sektor might still come after him to cyberize. One of his ancestors' portraits is in Raiden's MKX stage, with other past Earthrealm fighters. Iirc a Cryomancer founded the Lin Kuei, but control eventually fell into the corrupt hands of Sektor's family(might be somebody's fan theory, I vaguely remember it being discussed years ago.) Bi-Han didn't know at the time that the Lin Kuei Grandmasters secretly worship Shinnok. Maybe his Cryomancer blood counted as an Outworld win even though he was born in Earthrealm, and that had to be prevented? But his MK1 ending wasn't negative.

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.
Well, looks like this might be one of those surprisingly rare times when the direction we were expecting a character to go actually turns out to be right. Folks have called out a Noob-Elder Gods alliance since MK9.
That makes it sound like basically what happened with Scorpion in MK: Deception. Gets sucked into a soulnado, and the elder gods, or at least Cetrion, decided to make use of him.
I don't know if you noticed, but through botching his lore they have basically made Noob Saibot Scorpion from the original continuity.
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
That makes it sound like basically what happened with Scorpion in MK: Deception. Gets sucked into a soulnado, and the elder gods, or at least Cetrion, decided to make use of him.
I don't know if you noticed, but through botching his lore they have basically made Noob Saibot Scorpion from the original continuity.
The reason why they'd team up as Fire & Ice?

That makes it sound like basically what happened with Scorpion in MK: Deception. Gets sucked into a soulnado, and the elder gods, or at least Cetrion, decided to make use of him.
I don't know if you noticed, but through botching his lore they have basically made Noob Saibot Scorpion from the original continuity.
I wouldn't go that far. I never got the impression in the original continuity that Scorpion was Quan Chi's obedient dog the way Noob was in MK9. And Noob never turned against Quan Chi the way Scorpion has, he embraced his dark side, despite the fact that he knew that Quan Chi basically orchestrated his death and framed him. Noob basically served the same role he did in the original timeline, up until his disintegration in the soulnado, which I think is the only real similarity with Scorpion, aside from the fact that they've both undead and from the Netherrealm, but that has always been the case.
That makes it sound like basically what happened with Scorpion in MK: Deception. Gets sucked into a soulnado, and the elder gods, or at least Cetrion, decided to make use of him.
I don't know if you noticed, but through botching his lore they have basically made Noob Saibot Scorpion from the original continuity.
I wouldn't go that far. I never got the impression in the original continuity that Scorpion was Quan Chi's obedient dog the way Noob was in MK9. And Noob never turned against Quan Chi the way Scorpion has, he embraced his dark side, despite the fact that he knew that Quan Chi basically orchestrated his death and framed him. Noob basically served the same role he did in the original timeline, up until his disintegration in the soulnado, which I think is the only real similarity with Scorpion, aside from the fact that they've both undead and from the Netherrealm, but that has always been the case.
Scorpion was never controlled by Quan Chi in the original timeline. He was resurrected by the Netherrealm itself. That got changed in the new timeline to where Quan Chi ressurected him. In Noob's bio it says he was Quan Chi's slave which in is in line with all the revanents being obedient to Quan Chi.

In the original continuity, Noob was an opportunist. He served Shinnok and Quan Chi after he became a wraith, and embraced his newfound (un)life, but I doubt that he was completely loyal to them. If anything, he served those two chucklefucks because, what was he supposed to do otherwise? Shinnok and Quan Chi were both much more powerful than Noob, so if he tried to seize power from them it would have most likely blown up in his face. So when Shinnok was defeated in MK4 and Quan Chi got vaporized in Deception, he seized the opportunity to gain control of the Netherrealm for himself, via an army of cyber demons designed from Smoke's nanomachines. Nobody was around to stop him at that point.
I believe Noob always looks out for his own interests, even if its merely for self-preservation. That's probably why him and Cetrion are allied with one another. Noob was probably getting six new assholes torn into him from the pressure of the soulnado, and Cetrion bailed him out. So it makes sense for Noob and Cetrion to be working together, though I wouldn't be surprised if Noob had ulterior motives.
In the original continuity, Noob was an opportunist. He served Shinnok and Quan Chi after he became a wraith, and embraced his newfound (un)life, but I doubt that he was completely loyal to them. If anything, he served those two chucklefucks because, what was he supposed to do otherwise? Shinnok and Quan Chi were both much more powerful than Noob, so if he tried to seize power from them it would have most likely blown up in his face. So when Shinnok was defeated in MK4 and Quan Chi got vaporized in Deception, he seized the opportunity to gain control of the Netherrealm for himself, via an army of cyber demons designed from Smoke's nanomachines. Nobody was around to stop him at that point.
I believe Noob always looks out for his own interests, even if its merely for self-preservation. That's probably why him and Cetrion are allied with one another. Noob was probably getting six new assholes torn into him from the pressure of the soulnado, and Cetrion bailed him out. So it makes sense for Noob and Cetrion to be working together, though I wouldn't be surprised if Noob had ulterior motives.
In the old continuity Noob Saibot wasn't just undead Bi-Han, he was the evil within Bi-Han overtaking him and taking on new life in the Netherrealm. Now he's a "wronged" soul out for vengeance and to regain his honor? Add as dash of rage and yeah that's Scorpion.
I was also thinking about the scorpion storyline. I think in the deadly alliance he was also kicked in some soul pit. He was saved by the elder gods and made their champion in deception. It does look as if it is happening with Noob-Saibot at the moment.
Definitely looks like they are somewhat re-doing the scorpion elder god champion arc this time round with Noob.
Its interesting that Cetrion the elder god of life or light or whatever she is has aligned with Noob though. Perhaps it ties in with his “recognition” angle, perhaps he is going to be the main hero/anti hero of this game! Nah that’s just wishful thinking it will probably be Cassie again or Jacqui
If Noob is the victor, the MKverse is screwed, lol

I was also thinking about the scorpion storyline. I think in the deadly alliance he was also kicked in some soul pit. He was saved by the elder gods and made their champion in deception. It does look as if it is happening with Noob-Saibot at the moment.
My wishful thinking would be seeing Bi-Han find redemption at the end, and reunited with his brother.

Yhea him killing his own brother in the reveal trailer felt wrong. He should have been after Scorpion, Maybe as the new rivalry, now Sub-Zero and Scorpion mad peace.
New rivarly? Bi Han and Scorpion are THE rivalry! The original.
Scorpion and Kuai Liang have NEVER been rivals!
Bi Han wouldn't go after Scorpion. He doesn't care. He doesn't want revenge. He embraced his darkness. If anything; he might even thank Scorpion. Scorpion might still harbour hatred towards Bi Han for killing him. Or he may have dropped it once he got his revenge. (Unfortunately, it seems more likely this was retconned out and they're going with the MK Legacy shit since MK(2011) ).
Scorpion and Kuai Liang have been at peace since KL's first appearance in MK2 when Scop vowed to protect him. Quan Chi did trick Scorp into attacking KL in MK4, but I doubt KL took it personal.
Armageddon was a cluster-fuck and I find it idiotic that Scorpion fought on the same side as Bi Han and Quan Chi, against Kuai Liang. The person who made that decision needs a slap and forced to study the MK lore.
MK(2011) retconned KL into wanting revenge, but that was dropped imediately after the fight and never mentioned again. KL and Scorpion became allies after that. They were never rivals!

In the original continuity, Noob was an opportunist. He served Shinnok and Quan Chi after he became a wraith, and embraced his newfound (un)life, but I doubt that he was completely loyal to them. If anything, he served those two chucklefucks because, what was he supposed to do otherwise? Shinnok and Quan Chi were both much more powerful than Noob, so if he tried to seize power from them it would have most likely blown up in his face. So when Shinnok was defeated in MK4 and Quan Chi got vaporized in Deception, he seized the opportunity to gain control of the Netherrealm for himself, via an army of cyber demons designed from Smoke's nanomachines. Nobody was around to stop him at that point.
I believe Noob always looks out for his own interests, even if its merely for self-preservation. That's probably why him and Cetrion are allied with one another. Noob was probably getting six new assholes torn into him from the pressure of the soulnado, and Cetrion bailed him out. So it makes sense for Noob and Cetrion to be working together, though I wouldn't be surprised if Noob had ulterior motives.
In the old continuity Noob Saibot wasn't just undead Bi-Han, he was the evil within Bi-Han overtaking him and taking on new life in the Netherrealm. Now he's a "wronged" soul out for vengeance and to regain his honor? Add as dash of rage and yeah that's Scorpion.
I really hope that maybe people are reading too much into this and that Noob's arc isn't about avenging his "wrongful" death. That just seems completely antithetical to his character and background story.