Deadpool Movie confirmed! (2016 film)
posted01/28/2016 05:24 AM (UTC)by
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05/25/2006 04:31 AM (UTC)

grin not only is he gonna be in his own film, he is also confirmed to be in the new Marvel Ultimate Alliance game!
05/06/2009 11:08 PM (UTC)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Didn't Deadpool die in the movie though? How can they go off and make a movie about him? Are they going to make basically what happens after the team splits up and then Sabretooth goes after the other mutants?

Your thoughts?
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05/06/2009 11:14 PM (UTC)
There are two different easter eggs after the credits. Both probably happen but at different times. Obviously they had planned on making a Deadpool movie regardless and this isn't surprising. Let's hope they do a better job with him next time around.

I want a Gambit movie too though.
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05/06/2009 11:28 PM (UTC)
Ryan Reynolds is perfect casting. But I'm still confused as to why they turned Deadpool into Baraka.
05/06/2009 11:56 PM (UTC)
UlcaTron Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Didn't Deadpool die in the movie though? How can they go off and make a movie about him? Are they going to make basically what happens after the team splits up and then Sabretooth goes after the other mutants?

Your thoughts?

he did but in one of the after credits scenes he:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
grabs his head and says "sshhh" towards the camera

the only thing that scares me is that in the article it says he can absorb powers of dead mutants, which is not true. If they go off of the Wolverine movie as starting point, I really hope they have his body reject all the modifications Stryker did to him minus the regeneration powers. But I agree Ryan Reynolds was perfectly cast and I cant wait for this movie. I really hope they have Deadpool breaks the fourth wall in his movie also.
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05/07/2009 12:35 AM (UTC)
You think that's awesome? I'm currently working on a script as we speak, because all the otehr article's state that FOX is currently looking for writers to produce one.
05/07/2009 02:22 AM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
You think that's awesome? I'm currently working on a script as we speak, because all the otehr article's state that FOX is currently looking for writers to produce one.

Aw, that's adorable.
05/07/2009 05:34 AM (UTC)
If they're smart, they'll make this film completely unattached to the XMO:W film, as its sense of a more realistic portrayal completely clashes with Deadpool's character.
05/07/2009 10:28 PM (UTC)
05/08/2009 01:01 AM (UTC)
Deadpool is in the new MUA! Awesome! Now they just need to add Cyclops, and they would have the perfect roster
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05/08/2009 01:09 AM (UTC)
Not sure if it deserves it's own thread so I'm going to be posting my progress on the script here. Basic plot involves Kingpin (or a generic crim boss) Hiring deadpool toa ssassinate someone who's been taking down his drug deals hits etc etc. That person is Taskmaster, who appearance wise is faithful, yet in the screenplay he is a fully sanctioned government operative. Here;s a conversation between Kingpin and Pool for you guys to nitpick.

Kingpin: Mr. Wilson—
Deadpool: (Cutting him off) Mr. Fisk...
Kingpin: (annoyed, he pauses for a moment, until he determines Deadpool is done talking) Mr. Wilson, I called you here because—
Deadpool: (once again cutting off the now angry Kingpin) Because I’m the best there is at what I do?!
Kingpin: Surprisingly, yes. As you may have heard I’m willing to offer you quite the bounty for killing just one person.
Deadpool: How much money we talkin’ here?
Kingpin: A large sum--
Deadpool: Large as in a few suitcases or large like your love handles?
Kingpin: (angrily) MR. WILSON! PLEASE! I realize your talents in this field of work, but if you can’t keep quiet I’ll have someone else do it.
Deadpool: (clearly distracted) Hey, if I sit on your lap, will you let me tell you what I want for Christmas?
Kingpin glares at him, you can clearly see he’s had just about all he can take.
Deadpool: Fine, it’s cool, I celebrate Hanukkah anyway.
Kingpin: (speaking without any patience left) Mr. Wilson, please exit my office.
Deadpool teleports and reappears beside Kingpin down on one knee, hands clasped together in a standard begging position. The camera goes behind Kingpin’s shoulder as Deadpool speaks this line.
Deadpool: (jokingly begging) No, Mr. Fisk, please don’t leave me out on the streets, I’ve got bills to pay and a family to feed, if I don’t get this job, what will I say to Mrs. Pool and Widdle Wade?
Kingpin gives Deadpool a look that shows that as much as he hates Deadpool, he is the only person who can do the job.
Kingpin: One more chance Wilson, now sit down as I explain your assignment.
Deadpool: (sniffles) I thank you sir, my family thanks you, hell, my dog thanks you!
Deadpool sits back down.
Kingpin: You’re lucky Mr. Wilson, now can I count on any further interruptions?
Deadpool: Well I had bean burritos for breakfast, so you may want to finish up before I become indisposed so to speak.
05/08/2009 01:26 AM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
Not sure if it deserves it's own thread so I'm going to be posting my progress on the script here. Basic plot involves Kingpin (or a generic crim boss) Hiring deadpool toa ssassinate someone who's been taking down his drug deals hits etc etc. That person is Taskmaster, who appearance wise is faithful, yet in the screenplay he is a fully sanctioned government operative. Here;s a conversation between Kingpin and Pool for you guys to nitpick.

Kingpin: Mr. Wilson—
Deadpool: (Cutting him off) Mr. Fisk...
Kingpin: (annoyed, he pauses for a moment, until he determines Deadpool is done talking) Mr. Wilson, I called you here because—
Deadpool: (once again cutting off the now angry Kingpin) Because I’m the best there is at what I do?!
Kingpin: Surprisingly, yes. As you may have heard I’m willing to offer you quite the bounty for killing just one person.
Deadpool: How much money we talkin’ here?
Kingpin: A large sum--
Deadpool: Large as in a few suitcases or large like your love handles?
Kingpin: (angrily) MR. WILSON! PLEASE! I realize your talents in this field of work, but if you can’t keep quiet I’ll have someone else do it.
Deadpool: (clearly distracted) Hey, if I sit on your lap, will you let me tell you what I want for Christmas?
Kingpin glares at him, you can clearly see he’s had just about all he can take.
Deadpool: Fine, it’s cool, I celebrate Hanukkah anyway.
Kingpin: (speaking without any patience left) Mr. Wilson, please exit my office.
Deadpool teleports and reappears beside Kingpin down on one knee, hands clasped together in a standard begging position. The camera goes behind Kingpin’s shoulder as Deadpool speaks this line.
Deadpool: (jokingly begging) No, Mr. Fisk, please don’t leave me out on the streets, I’ve got bills to pay and a family to feed, if I don’t get this job, what will I say to Mrs. Pool and Widdle Wade?
Kingpin gives Deadpool a look that shows that as much as he hates Deadpool, he is the only person who can do the job.
Kingpin: One more chance Wilson, now sit down as I explain your assignment.
Deadpool: (sniffles) I thank you sir, my family thanks you, hell, my dog thanks you!
Deadpool sits back down.
Kingpin: You’re lucky Mr. Wilson, now can I count on any further interruptions?
Deadpool: Well I had bean burritos for breakfast, so you may want to finish up before I become indisposed so to speak.
Vash_15 Wrote:
Not sure if it deserves it's own thread so I'm going to be posting my progress on the script here. Basic plot involves Kingpin (or a generic crim boss) Hiring deadpool toa ssassinate someone who's been taking down his drug deals hits etc etc. That person is Taskmaster, who appearance wise is faithful, yet in the screenplay he is a fully sanctioned government operative. Here;s a conversation between Kingpin and Pool for you guys to nitpick.

Kingpin: Mr. Wilson—
Deadpool: (Cutting him off) Mr. Fisk...
Kingpin: (annoyed, he pauses for a moment, until he determines Deadpool is done talking) Mr. Wilson, I called you here because—
Deadpool: (once again cutting off the now angry Kingpin) Because I’m the best there is at what I do?!
Kingpin: Surprisingly, yes. As you may have heard I’m willing to offer you quite the bounty for killing just one person.
Deadpool: How much money we talkin’ here?
Kingpin: A large sum--
Deadpool: Large as in a few suitcases or large like your love handles?
Kingpin: (angrily) MR. WILSON! PLEASE! I realize your talents in this field of work, but if you can’t keep quiet I’ll have someone else do it.
Deadpool: (clearly distracted) Hey, if I sit on your lap, will you let me tell you what I want for Christmas?
Kingpin glares at him, you can clearly see he’s had just about all he can take.
Deadpool: Fine, it’s cool, I celebrate Hanukkah anyway.
Kingpin: (speaking without any patience left) Mr. Wilson, please exit my office.
Deadpool teleports and reappears beside Kingpin down on one knee, hands clasped together in a standard begging position. The camera goes behind Kingpin’s shoulder as Deadpool speaks this line.
Deadpool: (jokingly begging) No, Mr. Fisk, please don’t leave me out on the streets, I’ve got bills to pay and a family to feed, if I don’t get this job, what will I say to Mrs. Pool and Widdle Wade?
Kingpin gives Deadpool a look that shows that as much as he hates Deadpool, he is the only person who can do the job.
Kingpin: One more chance Wilson, now sit down as I explain your assignment.
Deadpool: (sniffles) I thank you sir, my family thanks you, hell, my dog thanks you!
Deadpool sits back down.
Kingpin: You’re lucky Mr. Wilson, now can I count on any further interruptions?
Deadpool: Well I had bean burritos for breakfast, so you may want to finish up before I become indisposed so to speak.

You honestly think they'll accept this?
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05/08/2009 01:34 AM (UTC)
Nope, not a shot in hell, I just have too much spare time tongue I know for a fact there are big name writers out there who've already finished stuff up, hell they'll probably have a writer decided on by the end of next week, but whatever, I'm honestly doing this for myself.
05/08/2009 10:22 AM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
Nope, not a shot in hell, I just have too much spare time tongue I know for a fact there are big name writers out there who've already finished stuff up, hell they'll probably have a writer decided on by the end of next week, but whatever, I'm honestly doing this for myself.

Well, that's good.

: )
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05/08/2009 05:33 PM (UTC)
Magneto & BEAST are the movies, I'd pay to see countless.
05/08/2009 07:35 PM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
Deadpool is in the new MUA! Awesome! Now they just need to add Cyclops, and they would have the perfect roster

Cyclops would be fun, but I really want the Punisher and War Machine in it also. I'm not holding my breath though cause I heard they try to put the Punisher in the first one but weren't allowed and they do already have Iron Man, so technically they don't need War Machine. But Deadpool, Venom, the Punisher, and War Machine is my dream team.
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05/09/2009 08:08 AM (UTC)
Unless Joe Kelly and Fabian Nicieza write this movie, the film can go fuck itself as far as I'm concerned. Ryan Reynolds is perfect casting though
05/09/2009 03:07 PM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
There are two different easter eggs after the credits. Both probably happen but at different times. Obviously they had planned on making a Deadpool movie regardless and this isn't surprising. Let's hope they do a better job with him next time around.

I want a Gambit movie too though.

I've always loved Deadpool more than Wolverine.

It's funny how he talks to himself even while he's fighting.
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Made by MINION.
05/09/2009 11:42 PM (UTC)
I personaly thought Ryan Reynolds was a terrible Casting for Deadpool.

Just like that tit from BEP as vega in the tag above me.
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05/10/2009 06:30 AM (UTC)
skinsley Wrote:
I personaly thought Ryan Reynolds was a terrible Casting for Deadpool.

Just like that tit from BEP as vega in the tag above me.

How is he not? he's too pretty? thats what prosthetics are for.

Deadpool: hilarious jackass

Ryan Reynolds: hilarious jackass who actually gives a damn about the character and has been very public about his desire to play Deadpool since Blade: Trinity and has also publicly shown his disappointment with what they did with him in Wolverine.

I want the actor playing Deadpool to actually give a rats ass about him and Ryan Reynolds does. that's what matters above all else in my opinion.
05/10/2009 05:07 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
skinsley Wrote:
I personaly thought Ryan Reynolds was a terrible Casting for Deadpool.

Just like that tit from BEP as vega in the tag above me.

How is he not? he's too pretty? thats what prosthetics are for.

Deadpool: hilarious jackass

Ryan Reynolds: hilarious jackass who actually gives a damn about the character and has been very public about his desire to play Deadpool since Blade: Trinity and has also publicly shown his disappointment with what they did with him in Wolverine.

I want the actor playing Deadpool to actually give a rats ass about him and Ryan Reynolds does. that's what matters above all else in my opinion.

I agree. Ryan Reynolds has been trying to play Deadpool since 2004. Most people loved his brief role in Wolverine (before Scott Atkins took over with laser-eyed, satellite controled Barakapool), with some even calling it the highlight of the film (or so says a few Ain't It Cool editors.)

Ryan Reynolds has shown a near-perfect understanding of the character too. Watch any interview with him and it's obvious he's one of those few actors that not only knows who the character is but knows him well.

He's said he won't do a Deadpool movie that's not true to the source material, which means witty banter, breaking the fourth wall down (brick by brick!), and generally being as bizarre as possible. He said it had to be "Commando crossed with Phantom of the Opera by way of Caddyshack."

And that's just perfect.
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05/20/2009 04:08 AM (UTC)
agreed completely.
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05/20/2009 09:32 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
skinsley Wrote:
I personaly thought Ryan Reynolds was a terrible Casting for Deadpool.

Just like that tit from BEP as vega in the tag above me.

How is he not? he's too pretty? thats what prosthetics are for.

Deadpool: hilarious jackass

Ryan Reynolds: hilarious jackass who actually gives a damn about the character and has been very public about his desire to play Deadpool since Blade: Trinity and has also publicly shown his disappointment with what they did with him in Wolverine.

I want the actor playing Deadpool to actually give a rats ass about him and Ryan Reynolds does. that's what matters above all else in my opinion.

I agree. Ryan Reynolds has been trying to play Deadpool since 2004. Most people loved his brief role in Wolverine (before Scott Atkins took over with laser-eyed, satellite controled Barakapool), with some even calling it the highlight of the film (or so says a few Ain't It Cool editors.)

Ryan Reynolds has shown a near-perfect understanding of the character too. Watch any interview with him and it's obvious he's one of those few actors that not only knows who the character is but knows him well.

He's said he won't do a Deadpool movie that's not true to the source material, which means witty banter, breaking the fourth wall down (brick by brick!), and generally being as bizarre as possible. He said it had to be "Commando crossed with Phantom of the Opera by way of Caddyshack."

And that's just perfect.

So it would be The Mask without cartoon violence. Sound like good idea and Ryan Reynolds would be great as Deadpool.
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I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
05/21/2009 11:04 PM (UTC)
travm013 Wrote:
UlcaTron Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Didn't Deadpool die in the movie though? How can they go off and make a movie about him? Are they going to make basically what happens after the team splits up and then Sabretooth goes after the other mutants?

Your thoughts?

he did but in one of the after credits scenes he:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
grabs his head and says "sshhh" towards the camera

the only thing that scares me is that in the article it says he can absorb powers of dead mutants, which is not true. If they go off of the Wolverine movie as starting point, I really hope they have his body reject all the modifications Stryker did to him minus the regeneration powers. But I agree Ryan Reynolds was perfectly cast and I cant wait for this movie. I really hope they have Deadpool breaks the fourth wall in his movie also.

they're probably going to tell the story of deadpool leading up to before he's turned into weapon XI, atleast that would make the most sense. I couldnt see them doing a whole movie about a mindless supermutant.
05/22/2009 01:52 AM (UTC)
GrotesquetheBeast Wrote:
travm013 Wrote:
UlcaTron Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Didn't Deadpool die in the movie though? How can they go off and make a movie about him? Are they going to make basically what happens after the team splits up and then Sabretooth goes after the other mutants?

Your thoughts?

he did but in one of the after credits scenes he:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
grabs his head and says "sshhh" towards the camera

the only thing that scares me is that in the article it says he can absorb powers of dead mutants, which is not true. If they go off of the Wolverine movie as starting point, I really hope they have his body reject all the modifications Stryker did to him minus the regeneration powers. But I agree Ryan Reynolds was perfectly cast and I cant wait for this movie. I really hope they have Deadpool breaks the fourth wall in his movie also.

they're probably going to tell the story of deadpool leading up to before he's turned into weapon XI, atleast that would make the most sense. I couldnt see them doing a whole movie about a mindless supermutant.

yeah but the thing is what happened in the Wolverine movie, is Hollywood's version of what happens to Deadpool. In the posts above, Ryan Reynolds states that he doesnt want to do a movie unless its 100% from the comics Deadpool. So hopefully Hollywood leaves at the mindless superhuman crap seen in Origins and does a movie about the Deadpool from the comics.
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